Edgar Allan Poe is a man shrouded in mystery and mythology. Like other mythical American figures, such as P.T. Barnum and George Washington, most of what the man on the street knows about Poe is wrong. Most people know him as the black haired, frail, drug addicted, half mad horror author who died drunk in the gutter. None of that is true. Poe had brown hair and was a noted athlete in his youth. There is no evidence he was a drug addict, he was primarily known in his day as a literary critic, he didn’t die in a gutter and many people at his deathbed attest he had no smell of alcohol on him.

As usual, the picture of the real man is more complicated than the caricature that has been assigned him. Mark Dawidziak, in his book “Mystery of Mysteries: The Death and Life of Edgar Allan Poe” seeks to dispel the misconceptions of Poe’s life and myths of his death.

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