Reading connects us and more than through our Manhattan Public Library. Questions aboutwhat you’re reading and what you like to read are familiar icebreakers and even appear as questions on needlessly long online dating questionnaires. For many, these questions about our reading habits are nearly impossible to answer.

Sure, I have a favorite book, “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” by John Berendt. I even like the movie adaption and have the cover of the book prominently tattooed on my arm. My favorite author? Orson Scott Card. His world building and storytelling drew me in at a young age and have kept my attention since. My favorite genre? I read a lot of romance, but it’s not my favorite. My favorite genre is Science Fiction/Fantasy and within the genre, my favorite series is — hands down — Douglas Adam’s, “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy,” a six-book-and-one-short-story read. These books have been made into movies, radio shows, comics, and television shows.

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